Locator 32: Becoming Lichen

‘Lichen has much to teach us about our relationship to the environment and our place within a living world…this little organism with its incredible life force invites a new vision (on a new scale), a new ecology.’ 
Vincent Zonka (2023)
During Locator 32 we will spend time in one of the most diverse lichen ecosystems in Wales and the UK. How might we learn of bodily/ interspecies collaboration and creative community from these mysterious and ancient beings? Attempting to notice and learn from these organisms and the places in which they thrive, to move as lichen is to combine our differences, to be together in ways that we couldn’t if alone, to make something complex, unusual, sustaining perhaps?
Locator is a residential community workshop practice.  Immersed in Tycanol and other significant landscape ecosystems over the last 32 years, through practice we collectively cultivate a sensory porosity to the influence of ‘more than human’ lives . In movement we sensitise to their generous affect and make them familiar to us.
£300 including accommodation (10 places).
There are four subsidised places at half price for Wales-based practitioners- please write to register your interest; first come, first served basis. 
(Accommodation is in a 15th Century gatehouse on the edge of the woods; with beds, studio, kitchen and shower rooms). 
Becoming Lichen – Dod yn Gen is a long term research project produced by Oriel Davis Gallery, Newtown/ Drenewydd,  supported by an Arts Council Wales – Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ‘Create/Creu’ grant

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