the mannequins are actively – passive and dis-embodied things. holding and arranging the hands of another with the wooden dummy hands, the hands of someone who is not present, but becomes present in the physical arranging of his hands and fingers… spooky, spectral
02.06.20 left hands
The hold is always approximate…I mould the dummy hands into the hold in an arrangement that seems to match the hold in the image. The process of moulding does give me a haptic, kinaesthetic feel for the hold, this is not simply visual. I also think of the subject, of where they were situated, my relationship to them. There is a virtual intimacy in the process of composing, stitching and holding these hands. I think of Read More
01.06.20 stitching
the feeling of bracing – I could lift this body up in one hand, sprung on the wrist the soft touch of fingertip on one hand, the dense, tougher skin on the other the special care for grazed palms the cool of fingertips, the smooth lake surface of backs of hands, the heat of the palms how my hands are a part of my body I take aesthetic pleasure in
29.05.20 left hand assemblage
Father’s birthday- father’s hands…
27.05.20 stitching
I remember holding my left hand by its left side (little finger side) into the palm of my right hand. The heat comes from the inside of my palm and more fragile and cooler left little finger and side rest into the right palm like a warm bed.
25.05.20 drawing left hand- assemblage
studio. hands as figures. As I stitch I look at the images of the hands holding, I think of each of the person’s hands in the gloves (though they are not here). I give time to practice and orient to the details of the holds; which fingers are touching each other? points of contact, the relationship between fingers, the palm and the back of the hand and where they are placed on each body. The stitches Read More