virtual soft matter 04.05.20

Today the mannequin ‘dummy’ hands arrive…for the time being I will use these virtual hands to stitch people’s hand arrangements into the gloves. The lines of touch are broken. I am wondering how this transmission might occur in the gap of mutual touch that is now absent. A  space of body parts, ghosts of self touch and virtual stitchings. What is stitched in?  

7 Jul 2020 | Browse: , , , ,

soft matter text copy of spoken score

Hello! Please find somewhere to rest and take some time to be with the sensations and arrangements of your hands touching each other… begin to notice the different kinds of feedback the placement and touch of fingers and hands create within each other. Now, take some time to be with the touch of one hand with the other, play with the familiar patterns in which your hands hold each other and find new ones (you may Read More

7 May 2020 | Browse: , , ,

soft matter- COV – 19

Since the advent of Covid-19 I have had to reconsider how I proceed with the innate intimacy of this current practice. I have had to suspend the stitching practice for the time being and have developed a default process. This process involves a spoken score accessed online by invited participants. The score attempts to create the conditions in which someone can attune to the touch between their own hands and ultimately to identify a language of Read More

7 May 2020 | Browse: , ,

soft matter- workshop 25.02.20, Glasgow

This workshop was a first iteration experiment with the gloves as choreographic objects. An informal gathering of PhD practice researchers and dancers from Glasgow, the workshop took place at the Mackintosh Church Hall in Maryhill, Glasgow. six minute excerpt (static camera)

7 May 2020 | Browse: , , , ,