Awaiting more glove stock- there are many more contributions to stitch. Thank you to all those who are contributing- deep gratitude. Not sure where this is going, but I’m following it… ‘This beginning, like all beginnings, is always already threaded through with anticipation of where it is going but will never simply reach, and of a past that is yet to come.’ J. Barad. Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological relations. (2010)
- Locator News
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- choreographic objects
- choreographic scores
- choreography
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- dance artists
- dance film
- dance solo
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- dark nights
- darkness
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- draw
- drawing
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- earth
- ecology
- environment
- everywhere
- exoskeleton
- father
- festival
- field recordings
- figure
- film
- finger tips
- fingers
- fist
- forest
- future
- gallery
- ghost
- ghost nets
- ghosts
- Glasgow
- gloves
- ground
- growing
- hand
- hands
- Harlech
- haunts
- herbs
- hold
- identity
- infinite
- inheritance
- invitation
- lab
- land
- landing
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- launch
- lawn
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- listen
- Llyn peninsula
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- manorbier
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- materials
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- moving body
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- Naked Lunch
- night
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- objects
- Oriel Davies Gallery Residency
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- respite
- river
- room
- score
- scores
- sea
- search
- self touch
- sewing
- shawl
- shell
- snag
- soft
- soft material
- sound
- spectral
- spectre
- stitch
- stitches
- stitching
- stratocaster
- Studies for Maynard
- symposium
- table
- tangle
- tantacles
- Teifi
- tenderness
- testtag
- thing
- thread
- thumbs
- time
- together
- touch
- touching self
- tree
- twmpath
- Tycanol
- varnish
- video
- virtual
- virtuality
- wales
- walk
- walking
- warm
- wave
- weather
- west wales
- wild swimming
- woodland
- workshop
- zoom