Endarken active research

Endarken progressed through the Spring with 2 public events. One at Poppit sands and one on Manorbier beach, with shared propositions to those gathered to work together through the falling darkness with some prepared objects. Hazel rods cut in the winter in our garden, ends painted with clay paint, to reflect any light…They are curious things, they tangle, create their own structure, seem to have magnetic qualities, and they appear to glow as the light fades. The activities, both collective and alone, were playful, bodied and intrinsically compositional, without having to consciously think about anything visual; emerging like line drawings. As the light goes,the social space changes, we cannot see each other’s faces. We blend with the dark, each other, objects and the sounds of the sea and wind. Someone lit a fire at Manorbier, it all became old…It is not only the conditions of dark and light that are altered, our bodies and selves are altered in relationship, and we sense ourselves and each other differently. Thank you to all those who showed up and for your curiosity, to Julian McKenny for the photos, to Cai Tomos for generously sharing the process, and to Abi and the Reading Room for the short and sweet residency. more to follow…Supported by an Arts Council of Wales R and D Grant.

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